Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Pat Masumoto & Artemio Rodriguez
sellers and buyers find common ground in a healthy market
WAILUKU – If you’re wondering about current trends in Maui real estate, the answer is – it depends.
It depends on location. It depends on whether the property is a single-family home or a condominium. It depends on whether you look at real estate sales volume or at average or median prices.The results are a mixed bag when compared to the first quarter of the previous year, according to statistics released for the first quarter of 2007 by the Realtors Association of Maui.
But, “in a nutshell,” says Terry Tolman, chief staff executive of the Realtors Association of Maui, the “market overall looks steady with minor variations.”
“The good-sized inventory and low interest rates provide plenty of options for buyers,” he said. “Sales continue as sellers and buyers find common ground in a healthy market.”
But in the moderate-priced market, it’s been mostly sliding, according to investor Joe Petrillo, who still has two houses on the market even after cutting the asking prices.
Prices are down from the peak of two years ago, from 11 to 17 percent “depending on the area,” he said,
“I’d say you could cap it out at $700, $750,000. Anything higher than that, up to $1.1 mill, it’s stiff. Then from $1.2 million on, it’s OK. It’s got to be justified. You can’t be selling a $700,000 property and asking 8,” he said.
In terms of sales volume of single-family homes, Central Maui had the most activity in the first three months of this year. There were 149 home sales in Central Maui, making up 41 percent of the 362 homes sold overall in the first quarter.
But the average price of homes in the central region dropped 15 percent from $628,778 in the first three months of 2006 to $534,173 this year. In terms of median prices (half being higher and half lower), Central Maui home prices fell 7 percent from $606,950 to $562,443. More overall sales this year, however, pushed the total dollar volume in Wailuku and Kahului up 51 percent, from $52.8 million to $79.6 million.
That is in line with Petrillo’s observations on his properties, which include a house on the market in Maui Lani.
“I’ve come down on both. Actually, the appraisals have come down. I had an appraisal in November for $740,000 and another last month, which came in at $725,00,” he said.
That even applies to the second-busiest region in this year’s first quarter, the Wailea-Makena area, where there were 46 single-family sales in the first three months compared with only seven for the same period a year ago. The much-higher volume of sales saw average sales prices drop 50 percent from $4.5 million to $2.2 million, and median sales prices go down 36 percent from $2 million to $1.3 million. Total dollar volume for home sales in the region was up 226 percent, from $31.6 million to $103 million.
Home sales in the third-busiest area, Kihei, amounted to 42 for the first quarter, a 19 percent drop from the 52 sold in the first quarter of 2006. Average and median home sales prices remained steady in the low- to mid-$700,000 range.
Overall in Maui County, home sales in the first quarter were up 43 percent compared with a year earlier. Luxury home sales in Kapalua and Kaanapali helped push average sales prices higher from $966,844 in 2006 to $1,063,611 this year. Median prices, however, fell from $699,000 to $650,804.
With condominium sales, the South and West Maui markets continued their dominance, making up 216, or 89.6 percent, of the county’s 241 first-quarter condo sales this year.
The number of sales was down 39 percent compared with the 393 units sold in the first quarter of 2006. The average sales price was up 19 percent, from $640,793 to $759,786, and the median sale price went up 15 percent, from $458,000 to $525,000.
Because of fewer sales, total dollar volume was off 27 percent from $251.8 million to $183.1 million.
For the month of March, there were 138 single-family sales, compared with 113 in February and with 107 in March 2006. This past March’s median sales price of $665,000 was $17,000, or 2.6 percent, higher than the $648,000 median price in February, but it was $60,000, or 8.2 percent, less than the $725,000 median in March 2006.
In the Maui condominium market, there were 83 sales in March, compared with 71 in February and 144 in March 2006. The median sales price of a condominium on Maui in March was $460,000, which was $97,000, or 17.4 percent, less than February and $67,000, or 12.7 percent, less than March 2006.
C. Bukowski
Late can't sleep insomnia, time to eat oatmeal and try to sleep again.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Crazy Shirts hires Disney artist
Crazy Shirts has hired former Disney artist Eric Robison as creative director.
Robison is among the Walt Disney Co.'s top-selling artists, with a more than 20-year track record with the company, starting as a show concept designer in 1987, according to a Crazy Shirts statement.
One of his career milestones was the 100 Mickey Mouse portraits he painted for what would have been Walt Disney's 100th birthday. It sold out in 40 days.
"We are incredibly fortunate to have someone of Eric's caliber heading the creative team at Crazy Shirts," said Mark Hollander, president and chief executive officer.
Robison said, "I can't imagine a better place for me to continue my creative career ... I see Crazy Shirts as a natural next chapter for me."
Dolly Lama Aloha Ha ha Ha
On Wednesday, he will deliver a teaching titled “Eight Verses for Training the Mind: A Buddhist Philosophical Discourse,” $20 Admission.
#1 Human Value
#2 Religious Harmony
#3 Position in Humor
#4 I saw the Dali Lama pick his nose
#5 Identity through modern use and times, keeping your native name and tongue, Isolation is suicide.
lonely cries
The silence is wet with anticipating
Monday, April 23, 2007

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"Lucky We Live Hawaii"
property valuations slightly higher
WAILUKU – Real property valuations have come in slightly higher than expected and are up about 10.9 percent
over last year but will likely “stagnate” in the coming year, said Finance Director Kalbert Young.The certified value of all taxable property in Maui County came in at around $41.1
billion, around $400 million above earlier projections and up by $4 billion from last year, Young told council members Thursday. Mayor Charmaine Tavares has proposed cutting prop-
erty tax rates to keep revenues – and tax bills – nearly flat in 2007-08. But rising costs and major liabilities on the horizon mean the rates may have to go up again next year, Young warned.
“The bold move to reduce tax rates is not to say that level can be sustained even one year out,” he said.
Real estate sales during the first third of 2007 indicate the market is slowing, Young said. He predicted valuation growth would slow significantly, and new developments, which make up only a small fraction of the total inventory, wouldn’t have enough of an impact to boost taxable property values.
“To be conservative, I would probably say it would be flat in terms of valuation next year,” he said.
The Maui County Council Budget and Finance Committee is currently reviewing tax and fee proposals for Tavares’ 2007-08 budget plan. The council will set property tax rates for the year after a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in the Council Chamber.
Tavares proposed a tax rate of $1.85 per $1,000 of assessed value for the owner-occupant class, down from the current $2.50. Other proposed rates include $4.70 for improved residential properties (down from $5), and $4.55 for apartments (down from $5).
Council members expressed some reservations about the proposal, especially plans to include hotel and time-share properties in the rate cuts. Hotels would be taxed $7.30 per $1,000 value under Tavares’ plan, down from $8.20; time shares would be charged $12.75, down from $14.
Council Member Mike Molina said that with so many capital improvement projects and other expenses, he was “on the fence” about cutting tax rates in those areas. He said Friday that he planned to propose at least maintaining the rates at current levels.
“It’ll be a challenge for this council . . . to see a reduction,” he said.
And Council Member Gladys Baisa was concerned the rate cuts wouldn’t provide enough tax relief for low-income residents, because of the increase in property values. She said the county should “overhaul” the tax assessment process.
“Some people may wind up paying more,” she said. “It is a strain for people on fixed incomes.”
Young said that, while the county can’t control the real estate market, which drives property values up or down, it can offset valuation increases by lowering tax rates. Tavares’ proposed rate cut should mean that most residents’ tax bills should stay the same as last year, even if their property valuation went up, he said.
While the county can pay for current programs and services using existing revenues this year, Young warned that major expenses are looming on the horizon.
The county’s expected liabilities for employee retirement and health benefits will together cost the county as much as a billion dollars, well over the county’s debt limit, he said. Plans to relocate the Central Maui Wastewater Reclamation Facility away from the shoreline to a more inland location could cost another $500 million.
Young said the county has for several years been considering how to plan for the costs and has made a concerted effort to minimize borrowing in preparation.
“That’s with the intention that in the very near years there’s going to have to be a very large ramp-up of debt,” he said.
Council Chairman Riki Hokama said the county had to keep in mind the looming costs as it made decisions on taxing and spending.
“Politically it’s always easy to do the popular thing,” he said. “However, in my experience, 90 percent of the time the right thing is not the popular thing to do.”
The Budget and Finance Committee is expected to finalize its proposal for the 2007-08 county budget next week.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Water Rates Climb on Maui
WAILUKU – Residents and commercial users would see another hike in sewer fees this year, under rates proposed for the 2008 county budget by the Department of Public Works and Environmental Management.
The rate adjustment, around 20 percent for most users, is the latest in a series of step increases meant to gradually bring sewer revenues up to the level where they will cover the actual costs of running the system, said Wastewater Reclamation Division Chief Dave Taylor. County sewer facilities were built largely with federal subsidies, keeping user fees artificially low for many years, he said.“We’re looking at noticeable rate increases for at least the next decade,” he said.
Residential users would pay a monthly base charge of $21 under the new rates, up from the current $18. Usage fees would be $2.85 per 1,000 gallons, up from $2.25.
Communities not on the county water system, including Kaanapali, Lanai and Kualapuu, Molokai, would pay a flat monthly fee of $42 per single-family home (up from $34.50) and $35.25 for condos (up from $29).
The monthly base charge for nonresidential users would be $11.50, up from $9.50.
Usage rates for customers without separate irrigation meters would be $4.05 per 1,000 gallons for commercial users (up from $3.62), $5.85 for hotels (up from $5.10) and $7.05 for industrial and restaurant users (up from $6.12).
Rates for customers with irrigation meters would be $5.40 for commercial users (up from $4.50), $7.70 for hotels (up from $6.40), and $9.20 for industrial and restaurant users (up from $7.65).
Irrigation meters separate water used for landscaping, and customers are not charged sewer fees for that water.
The Maui County Council is reviewing taxes, rates and fees proposed in Mayor Charmaine Tavares’ 2007-08 budget plan
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
bliss Hawaii

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Andy Warhol
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Panel denies an intervention plea
WAILUKU – The Maui Planning Commission on Tuesday denied a request from a West Maui residents group to intervene on a previous decision allowing the Honua Kai Project in North Beach in Kaanapali.
At a March 13 meeting, commission members approved construction drawings of Honua Kai Project’s Konea or north enclave. The north enclave still needs approval of building permits to proceed with construction. The Honua Kai Resort involves 76 town house units and 624 condominium units on its north and south enclaves. Construction has already commenced for the south enclave. Wailuku attorney Lance Collins has filed a lawsuit in 2nd Circuit Court on behalf of the West Maui Preservation Association and James Foster against the Maui Planning Commission, Maui Beach Resort LP (the property owner) of Honua Kai and the county. The suit charges that the original approval of the north enclave by the commission is invalid because the matter was not properly posted on the commission agenda. In the lawsuit, Collins is asking for a preliminary injunction on the north enclave. A hearing on the matter is scheduled on April 26 in 2nd Circuit Court. At the commission session Tuesday, Collins sought to intervene on the commission’s proceedings on the Honua Kai development. In the meeting, Deputy Corporation Counsel James Giroux told the commission Collins’ motion to intervene was too late as the commission already had made its decision. Commissioner Jonathan Starr cast the sole dissenting vote against a motion to deny the request to intervene.
'Very lucky' folks on Maui possibly saw meteor
The Maui News received several phone calls from people who said they saw what probably was a large meteor that moved from northwest to southeast or reporting an unusual cloud that remained in the sky after it passed.
Mike Maberry, assistant director of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, said he was not aware of any reports of an object in the sky. But he said its description sounded like a meteor.
"Whoever got to see that was very lucky," he said, adding that chances are "very slim" of a meteor landing in the vicinity of Maui in the middle of the Pacific.
Maberry said the meteor itself would not need to be very large to make a spectacular show.
"They don't have to be much larger than a poi pounder to look really big," he said.
Many of the meteors that make bright streaks across the night sky are only the size of a grain of sand, he said. A meteor is a rock or similar solid material that crosses into the Earth's atmosphere, with the friction from the high-speed entry causing the material to burn. When a space object lands on Earth, it is called a meteorite.
Kaleo Evangelista, a paddler with Kihei Canoe Club who was working out with a crew offshore from old Suda Store, said the glowing object made quite a show a few minutes after 5:30 a.m.
"We saw a glow going over us, just like an airplane," he said. But instead of seeing an aircraft the canoe paddlers saw a light blue, almost white object moving from northwest to southeast.
For one to two minutes, the paddlers watched the object move across the sky, leaving a trail of smoke before it disappeared behind Haleakala. Evangelista said he couldn't tell if the object landed on land or in the ocean.
"We didn't see any kind of explosion or flash," he said.
The object traveled roughly parallel to land until it abruptly changed course, "dropping down at a 45-degree angle," he said.
Evangelista called his friend, Charlie Fleck, who lives in Wailuku Heights. Fleck woke up, stepped outside and snapped photos at 5:49 a.m. of the smoke trail with his digital camera, but he didn't see the object itself.
"It was just an amazing looking sight," Fleck said. "The smoke lingered for an hour in the sky. . . . It was big, very noticeable in the sky."
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Jeff Gere A Master Storyteller

Jeff Gere is the Hawaiian story teller. The guy who keeps me on the edge of my seat. Jeff Brings out the inner child in me. I really enjoy all of his story's. He has talk story Radio I was fortunate enough to see him live on Oahu April 7th 2007. He told an hour long story called two brothers. Man Jeff Gere is great. What an honor to see him perform live.
Another day, Another Million Dollars.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Easter on Oahu
Lucky I live Hawaii.