Sunday, February 22, 2009

Aloha Slam all ages poetry @ Gallerie Ha in Wailuku

Gallerie Ha / Aloha Slam postponed until further notice

With great sadness we have to announce that Gallerie Ha in Wailuku will be taking a sabbatical (not known for how long?). The first Fridays have been our passion for the past year and a half. Pat has given many bands (young and old) a chance to play and many guest artist (the Mayor, council members, news writers) a place to express themselves. The first Fridays will continue this is a Maui county community event. Gallerie Ha's level of participation has been halted. The new neighbor has complained about the music and has called the land lord, there was no working out a compromise or a solution. The neighbor had threaten to call the police, call the county and then physical hurt me. I was never once involved in any conversation or communications it's all so silly. Pat has made an executive decision to remove her self from the heated anger of neighbor. There for sharing her art gallery with a friend of hers who will host a woman's dress shop in 2/3 of the shop and Pat will remain the artist, author, curator, play write, poet, singer in the back 1/3 of the Gallery. This is such a disappointing event of violent communications, demands and threats. Pat is talking to the business owners and the Waiuku first Friday association about having Aloha Poetry slam (youth poetry) and bands in another venue. We contemplating a move to Oahu, such an event shows the close minded personalities of a little town. The bands who have played Gallerie Ha have been of all ages, for some of the bands this was the first gig. The Aloha Slam "an all ages poetry slam" had strength and was growing, the teens from Happy Valley and Waikapu were coming around for many months and now they will have lost their plateau of expression. If we could have found a resolution or come to a mutual agreement we would have continued the poetry slam and lite music, there was no compromise on their side. So for now Gallerie Ha will not host any live acts on first Fridays, be that music or poetry, we were order to have no amplification whats so ever, including a PA for spoken word. Our future is uncertain and we need your support, so if you see Pat around town let her know how you feel, if you'd like to write a letter in support please do; you can send it to or and

Thursday, February 12, 2009

State foreclosures up 174%

By Allison Schaefers Star Bulletin
Hawaii now ranks 30th nationally, up 12 places from this time last year

The number of Hawaii homeowners who received foreclosure notices nearly tripled in January from a year ago, and the number is likely to keep growing, according to a nationwide survey released yesterday by RealtyTrac.

Hawaii reported 337 foreclosure filings in January, which amounts to one foreclosure filing per every 1,504 households. That is down 32 percent from December but up a staggering 174 percent from the same month in 2008, when foreclosures had a more limited footprint throughout the islands.

"There are a lot of variables out there, but our expectation is that there will be a pretty high level of foreclosures at least through the middle of this year and likely longer," said Daren Blomquist, RealtyTrac's marketing communications manager.

While Hawaii's rate of foreclosure growth is still low in comparison with places like Nevada where one in every 76 homeowners is in foreclosure, the increase catapulted the state to No. 30 nationally for activity. In January 2008, Hawaii was ranked No. 42 out of 50 states.

While just less than half of the foreclosure activity took place in Honolulu, homeowners on the Big Island and Maui made up about a quarter of the activity, and those on Kauai accounted for about an eighth.

Friday, February 06, 2009

First Friday 2 nite

Aloha ha ha

Hey tonight is first Friday come down 5 pm to 10pm Old Wailuku; Gallerie Ha @ 51 north market street, bands, all ages poetry slam, art, live celebrity artist, retailer specials and discounts. Food, Drinks and vendors selling their home crafts, jewelry all kinds of family fun. The Maui Thing has Firemen appreciation night, which I find so heart warming my father is a retired fire captain.. ah these girls rock at the Maui Thing and the apparel rule (Stuck on Good). Music is all over the block, Oh yeah the Hula Honeys under the vineyard banyan tree and Gulch of Rot in the Gallery. Wow, look at it all you can see Rock & Roll, Hawaiian, Heavy Metal, Punk, Art rock and have drinks and pupu's, get those dancing feet a happening to any kine music all with in two blocks in the quaint little old town of Wailuku.

PS get to Café Ole before 8pm they have best food in central Maui
